Having a runny nose can be annoying and disruptive, especially when there’s a cold going around. There are different things that can make a nose run, like viruses, allergies, and more. To take care of this issue, it’s important to understand why it’s happening and how to fix it, so here are some common causes and ways to deal with it.
What Makes a Nose Go
A runny nose is usually caused by things like the common cold. But if it keeps happening when you’re in certain places or during certain times of the year, it might be because of allergies. That means that a nose can get all stuffed up because of things in the air that people are allergic to.
Sometimes, it’s due to something called vasomotor rhinitis, where the nervous system isn’t controlling the mucus in the nose right. This can happen because of things like cold weather, food, or changes in temperature. In rare cases, a runny nose may be connected to the brain and the fluid that protects it. This is usually because of a head injury or high pressure in the brain, and this means special medical help is necessary.
Ways to Stop a Running Nose
To deal with a runny nose, people have to treat what’s causing it. Taking a steamy shower can help right away by clearing up the nose. Breathing in steam can also open up the nasal passages and ease the pressure.

Another trick people try is to use over-the-counter stuff like nasal sprays to clear the nose. Those should be used with care because if used too often, you could end up with even more congestion. A safer choice is a neti pot. It’s a way to wash out the mucus using a saltwater solution. Clean water should be used, not tap water, in order to avoid infections. There are saline packets for neti pots available at most drugstores.
Saline Rinses and Dealing With Allergies
Another option is the squeeze bottle saline rinse. After that, a follow-up with a prescription nasal spray with anti-inflammatory or antihistamine ingredients like triamcinolone and azelastine is a good idea. These can bring some big relief, but a doctor has to figure out which one is the best choice.

Getting rid of things in the environment that can cause allergic reactions can also help against a leaky nose. Blowing a nose the right way, getting enough sleep, using a humidifier, and staying hydrated are some other things that can help with a running nose situation and clear up a stuffed nose.